Sunday, June 14, 2009

Holding On to Hangs Ups

I love technology. I am not a hardcore techno-geek but I do love technology. I enjoy my cell phone, for what it is a communication tool. That said I have many friends who are annoyed or maybe baffled by my...unwillingness to answer each and every call when it is made. I do not sit continuously with my phone resting in the space between my shoulder and my ear. I can sit and enjoy the company of my friends during a meal, and can work through my business day without answering the random "Hey girl, whatcha doin?" At 10 AM on a week day, I am working why aren't you?

I may be dating myself here but I am amongst the generation that does remember life before cell phones and texting. I remember when you told someone where you were heading and took change to make a phone call, "just in case..." I remember pagers beeping as ques to make contact with your friends and family. Now, you can't pray in church without hearing the varied and sometime less than appropriate ring tones and even worse the answering of the phone.

I was in a grocery store one late evening after work while standing on aisle 9 and I realized that the one sided very explicit conversation myself and every other shopper was over hearing was coming from a young woman on aisle 3. We all stood in amazement and disguised as we tried ignore the conversation none of us should have been privy to in the first place. I finally went on a mission to find the young woman and make her aware of the tone and volume of her call. She looked put off by me and told me to mind my business. When I pointed out I was doing just that on aisle 9 when she began her call and that I came to help her. She stepped out of the aisle and saw the crowd of on lookers but she shamelessly did not end her call or change her topic or volume.

A Modern Lady understands the tool and its usefulness. She incorporates it properly in her life. Never does she become such a slave to the tool that she becomes insulting, inconsiderate,selfish or unaware of the rest of the world around her. I am sick of the person in front of me at Target not being able to finalize her transaction because of the phone call she has refused to end since she cut me off in the parking lot. Or the diner in a restaurant who leaves her companion to virtually eat alone because she won't hang up the phone. We have all been there...and maybe we have even been that person selfishly engaging in their phone conversations but a Moder Lady most learn to develop some rules when it comes to technology.

The first being somethings are best not said in public. The second rule is you don't have to answer every invitation, this one is actually a great one for life in general. Thirdly, don't become such a slave to your phone that you can not talk to anyone without it.

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