Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Diva Chronicles: Rules for a Modern Lady

OK, so you are asking what do I mean when I say Rules for a Modern Lady? These writings are inspired by both frustration and hope. The frustration with the attitude that holds to many talented intelligent women back. "You have to take me as I am?" No dear, no one has to take you as you are. It is not enough that you have acquired and possibly perfected great talents. You must also understand how to present yourself, then you talents. You can not demonstrate any of your skills unless you gain my attention in a trust-worthy way.

What do I mean by trust-worthy? Lets say you invited me for dinner and upon arrival I am greeted by you standing over the corpse of a rodent in your kitchen and then become distracted by an insect crawling across your counter top. Well lets just say your dinner is not likely to be enjoyed by me. I do not trust that any meal prepared in such a location would be safe for me to eat. If you choose to speak loudly, to constantly use vulgarity or to dress provocatively well you have attracted attention but not trust in your knowledge and abilities.

We can no longer take our lead from the antics of reality TV or the so-called "bad girls" or "bad boys" who manage success despite their inconsiderate attitudes, self promoting actions, vulgar posturing and all around bad behavior. There are certain rules of interaction with the world around us that we have forgotten. Once thought of as oppressive these rules are really what makes or breaks our ability to achieve success.

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